We do occasionally publish original articles from guest writers, and invite you to send us a short pitch by email, along with links to examples of previously published work.
The articles we publish cover the following themes:
· Balance, balance training
· Recovery from injury or other success stories (not weight loss)
· Sleep 
· Strength & Fitness, particularly for over 50s, over 80s etc
· Meditation, mood management
· Tools and tips to live healthily

Please read what we have published to get a feel for our style. We speak to the intelligent, independent older adult who seeks information that is grounded in science, rather than fads. If you mention a study, please make sure you reference it so that people can follow it up. No mentions of ‘scientists say’ without backing up your assertion.
Please speak directly to older adults – by which we mean people over 60. This should be evident in the exercises you choose, your cultural references and any photos or stories you highlight. Please also avoid the word ’seniors’ as we know people under 90 hate it.
Word count runs 800-1000 words usually, and we find it’s more useful to dig down into a subject rather than trying to cover more than one topic.
Unfortunately at this time, we do not pay guest contributors, but you retain rights to the article and we will publish one link to your site / portfolio. You may also publish the article elsewhere, referencing Zibrio.com